Machine Features:
- Totes and Bulk Machine with standard pickup header and air jump
- Supply water on the pickup belt for reduced friction and cooling
- Standard Mol pickup belt
- Standard 3/4″ nose bar
- Adjustable float pressure
- Stainless steel construction except for power train
- 102″ folded width for Totes Machine, Under 120″ for Totes/Bulk Machine
- Estimated weight 13,000 lbs
- Tote sweep made of bars or UHMW 180 degree
- Axles with integral SAHR brakes and differential lock with and integrated 2 speed transfer case
- Cummins QSF3.8 Tier 4 Final Engine, 130 HP
- Hydraulic oil cooler with electric cooling fan
- 1″ x 1″ stainless steel flat wire belt on both 1st and 2nd sort
- Optional 1/2″ x 1″ stainless steel flat wire belt
- Stainless Steel Cull Auger
- Plastic triangular agitators with adjustable agitation speed
- Spray bar on 2nd sort
- 16″ wide smooth white cross conveyor belt with foot peddle activation
- 16″ wide tan roughtop exit conveyor belt, constantly powered on
- Hydraulic water pump with approximately 90 gal. water tank